Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Where Does One Start?

It’s true – whether or not you believe in karma, there is a direct correlation between helping those around us and our own personal happiness. In addition to the value you provide to the person/group for which you are volunteering or donating, you reap direct benefits yourself. You have the opportunity to meet other volunteers, make friends, and perhaps even increase your professional network. You’ll also lower your stress level and increase your personal “good feeling vibes” by temporarily forgetting about your own problems.

When surveyed, nearly 100% of people have intentions to give back to the community – some people volunteer their time and others donate their money. The obstacle for many of us lies in knowing where to start - what charity to contact, what talents should be offered, how much time can you feasibly commit. Just thinking about it can be overwhelming!

We have the answer! The one thing that we all have is STUFF - great stuff that we have collected over the years but no longer need or use. This “stuff” can be gathered and donated to the upcoming Junior League of Dallas’ Rummage Roundup with 100% of all proceeds given back to local DFW not-for-profits supported by the Junior League of Dallas.

Just think – in addition to finally tackling that overstuffed garage or cluttered closet, you could help a Senior in need, provide work training to help a father or mother transition out of the homeless shelter, tutor a student, or provide a meal to someone who would otherwise go hungry. And all you have to do is spend a few minutes in your own home.

On behalf of those in need, we thank you in advance for your generosity and donations. We know that, in return, you will reap good “karma” and perhaps it will even inspire you to get more involved in other DFW not-for-profits. Together, we can make a significant positive impact on our community!


Stacey J. ReltonPresident, Park Cities Careers

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